The late Tepa Mostert

The late Tepa Mostert
With Birthday Flowers

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Summer is here in Champaign

This is a memorable year for Andre and Tepa Mostert.  January we both turned 74. In March our 13th grandchild (and Sherry's first baby) Zachary Allan Waltersdorf was born in Wisconsin. Welcome Zach!
April 30th was our "Official" 50th Wedding Anniversary.  We are planning a Mostert 50th Wedding Anniversary Reunion and Open House the first week in August, 2010.  The Open House will be at the LDS Church here in Champaign from 7 to 9 pm on Thursday August 5th.  Looks like all of our family members, except Kylie and Kristian, will be here.  Kristian is an LDS missionary in the Las Vegas, NV Mission, while Kylie will be at the Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah, preparing to serve in the Tucson, AZ Mission.  She will be speaking mostly English, while Kristian is speaking mostly Spanish.  As we can't travel we are delighted that the family is coming here.

My oncologist says I am still in remission from my Lymphoma Cancer and only need to see him every three or four months.  My next visit will be the Monday after our Family Reunion.  Outside of gaining weight, I am doing great.  I lost 110 pounds, but have gained back 60 pounds  This may be good, as my doctor declared me in remission last December, when he heard that I was gaining weight.  Apparently you can't have lymphoma cancer and gain weight at the same time.

Tepa continues to suffer greatly from her many illnesses, especially osteoarthritis. She is also having some problems seeing because of cataracts and glaucoma.  Her eye doctor says she can't have any operations for those because she also has Macular Degeneration. Her left eye is especially bad.

We still read the scriptures daily: Tepa in English and I in Finnish, which helps both of us speak our adopted languages better.


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