The late Tepa Mostert

The late Tepa Mostert
With Birthday Flowers

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Rainy, cold, miserable January

We had terribly cold weather (even down to below zero) much of January, but for the past week the temperature has moderated to 20 - 36 degrees, unfortunately, the weather has been very moist, either raining or just very humid. And the wind makes it seem even colder than it is. I about froze yesterday as I pumped my gas as Sam's Club. The heavy snow we had two weeks ago keeps hanging around, although it is not nearly as deep as it was. I'll let you know if it gets any better.

I have been asked to be on our Troop 222 Boy Scout Committee.  We had a meeting for parents last night, to introduce them to the new Committee, its chairman (Bill Evans) as well as our new Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.  We have about as many adults as youth involved with Scouting.  I think there are 16 boys, but only one over 16 years of age.  So it is a fairly young troop.

Our next get-together will be an Eagle Court of Honor for our one older scout.  He has turned 18, but earned his Eagle before his birthday.  I sat on his Board of Review.  He was well prepared.  His Eagle project was to build an outdoor classroom at Homer Lake Park.  With the young men he supervised, he created benches and a teaching space.  The park people were very  happy.

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