The late Tepa Mostert

The late Tepa Mostert
With Birthday Flowers

Friday, January 18, 2008

It's our Birthday month.

Post Christmas and New Year greetings to all of you. Hope you had a joyous holiday season.

We did.

And now with January comes a bunch of Mostert birthdays. My mother, Dora Eleanor Cox Mostert, would have been 98 on January 5th (yes she was six months older than L.D.S. President Gordon B. Hinckley). Tepa's 72nd birthday was on the 13th, Kylie's 19th on the 16th. Kirsten will be 12 on the 28th. And I catch up with Tepa on the 29th.

How did you like the Bear hunter's picture? I liked it so muich I gave Troy a Bearhug.

Dad Mostert

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