The late Tepa Mostert

The late Tepa Mostert
With Birthday Flowers

Thursday, December 16, 2010

A Happy 50th Anniversary Andre and Tepa Mostert and Family August 2010

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Andre and Tepa (Terttu Tuulikki Aunola) Mostert were married on April 30, 1960 in the London LDS Temple.  Tepa was working in Hove, England at the time.  Andre was a private in the US Army.
We had met when each of us was serving as a missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Tepa's native Finland.  Andre's family was living in Provo, Utah at that time.

In August 2010, our entire family joined us in celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary in Champaign, Illinois. Oldest grandchildren Kylie and Kristian Mostert are present as pictures as they are currently serving as missionaries for the LDS Church.  Kylie in the Tucson, AZ Mission and Kristian in the Las Vegas NV Mission (Spanish speaking). Our youngest grandchild Zachary Allan Waltersdorf, held on his mother Sherry's lap, was born earlier this year in March.

We held our Reunion in August as school and other problems kept family from coming to Champaign in April. We had several fun getherings at the Mostert family home and pool, ate a delicious meal at Biaggi's Italian Restaurant, and held an Open House for friends at the LDS Church on Windsor Road in Champaign.

We all had a wonderful time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Brother and Sister Mostert! I am so sad we weren't there to celebrate with you. We miss you and hope you are doing well.
--David, Miriam, and Isaac Ladner