The late Tepa Mostert

The late Tepa Mostert
With Birthday Flowers

Thursday, August 16, 2007

More Visiting Mosterts

Well it has been a busy summer for the Illinois Mosterts. Mika, Itzel, Mikael, Itza and Federico drove down from Michigan last Sunday (August 12th). After a relaxed week of movies, swimming in our pool, and even nine holes of golf for Mika and Andre, Mika and tribe headed back to Ann Arbor today (August 16th) while Tepa and I recuperated during a rainy Thursday.

Mika said they came via the south Chicago route, but will go home via Indianapolis and Fort he saw a lot of slow traffic on the eastbound lanes when they came Sunday and figured he would run into construction if he tried the Chicago route.

I've included a few pictures of their visit.